
Welcome to Health Watch Central

Your Passport to Great Health & Professional Supplements

We offer a unique experience in Online Nutritional Support plus providing the resources to obtain products you may need. In addition to nutritional guidance, Health Watch Central strives to provide consistent availability of high quality nutriceuticals available to health care professionals. The specific recommendations for these products are formulated for therapeutic use in doses or combinations not typically available in retail stores or anywhere else. Recommendations for some specific product should not be taken without the supervision or direction of someone appropriately trained in nutrition and versed on the currently available evidence of health related benefits for your individual needs. We strive to make balanced recommendations.

Instructions: Unless specified, nutritional supplements are generally best taken with meals. Take herbal combinations between meals and between doeses of other prescription medications, if possible. Pay attention to any changes you may experience and report either improvements or concerns.
Most everyone understands we live in a toxic world and there is nowhere to go to escape it. We can, however, take steps to protect ourselves so we maintain, improve, or achieve health. Ultimately everyone’s goal should be to accomplish a healthy aging process…regardless of your age.

  • Take steps now.

  • Review this website and get to know us.

  • Utilize health information available in Laymen Terms.

  • Schedule a virtual nutritional consult. Go to Getting Started.

  • Discover how to get discounts for future services. Getting Started.

  • Enter Your Passport portal for Web Stores and find convenient shopping for top quality supplements.

  • Call or email for an appointment or to ask questions regarding products. Contact Us is at the top of site.

Our Philosophy

If we understand illness as an interaction between an external factor and an internal capacity for resistance, the key to health is then restoring the balance in favor of resistance. The starting point for most illness is the nature of the individual’s interaction with the environment — anything we put into our mouth, touch, smell or breathe can trigger our distress. Our environment’s dangers have weakened our liver, digestive and immune systems which can lead to disease and chronic conditions of fatigue, allergies, headaches, sleep disorder, mood swings, depression, confusion, body pain — the symptoms are endless. If healthy, then we must be disciplined, proactive stewards of our health. At Health Watch Central, we start by seeking to understand the uniqueness of each client.

Our Commitment

Health Watch Central is dedicated to offering world class products unique to our clients, focusing on neutralizing the effects of the environment and enhancing the cell renewal process of the body–more than just taking a supplement or modifying the diet. We offer real commitment.
We embrace the notion one cannot fuel the body with artificial food, energy units lacking nutritional value or indiscriminately consume synthetic foods and drugs and expect to live a healthy lifetime. Foods today often have much lower nutrient value than comparable foods in the 1930’s due to food processing and the depletion of nutrients in fields where crops are grown. Additionally, many foods now come from poor countries. Adding nitrogen to plants can make them look pretty, but nitrogen cannot replace the value of vitamins, minerals and other plant constituents that “have gone missing”. The foods we eat along with today’s drugs affect the body’s ability to build, repair and detoxify.

There are many kinds of specialties in medicine, each focusing on one system or part of the body often to the exclusion of the others. In reality, it is one body and every part of it makes up the whole. No matter how old you are or what profession you are in, an observation is how good you feel despite the influence of insidious underlying health challenges. We look to provide practical ways to help you maintain health, meet or overcome your health challenges.
A consideration we must address together is everyone has a budget. Your responsibility will be to clarify your budget in terms of time, money and commitment. My responsibility will be to clarify your various options. From there, together, we will explore and define an approach that suits you best. I look forward to working with you.


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Achieving Health in a Toxic World

Environmental illnesses are escalating because humans cannot adapt to our new chemical environment and are further compromised by the devitalized food sources available. These illnesses, like the processes leading to the crisis of heart attack, take many years to develop. A consistent intentionally planned regimen can reverse the effects of the illness and restore health.