Acetyl-l-Carnatine Part 3
This product is derived from lysine and methionine and is synthesized in the liver and kidneys. It is found in highest concentrations in tissues that use fatty acids such as skeletal and cardiac muscle as it helps fatty acid oxidation-the process of transport across the mitochondra membrane to allow for oxidation of fatty acids.
Related to the chronic affect of diabetes and other chronic conditions:
*ALC works by preventing buildup of mayloid plaque that damages brain tissues and is emerging as a cause of cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s.
*ALC improves syntheses of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and uptake of choline.
*ALC improves Alzheimer’s by helping to maintain brain energy production, phospholipid metabolism and acetylcoenzyme A levels-the later being used to re-synthesize acetylcholine.
*ALC helps maintain liver function essential for detoxification.
*ALC almost completely restores the age-dependent decline in oxygen consumption in the liver.
*ALC helps prevent hepatoxicity and increases survival during chemotherapy.
*ALC enhances detoxification of ethanol in the liver
*Promotes cellular energy production & simulates the release of acetylcholine and dopamine which promotes the growth of neuritis that facilitate communication among nerve cells in the brain.
*ALC prevents a variety of structural changes to the aging brain from the hippocampus, prevents decreases in receptor site sensitivitity, and prevents loss of receptors in various areas over the brain. Within sevens days of treatment with ALC increases in serotonin and dopamine output in rats is seen.
*ALC in human trials improved nerve pain, nerve regeneration and sensory perceptions in patients with diabetes neuopathy.
*ALC studies show significant improvement in mild Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairment.
*ALC in randomized studtes was successfully used for Chonic Fatigue Syndrome and fatigue in MS
*ALC has proven itself in brain regeneration in animal and human brain cell studies. Together with the proven synergy between ALC in regrowing neuritis and dendrites-a vitally important supplement for the brain.
*Combined with uridine 5-monophosphate from phosphatidylcholine, the effects of nerve growth factor increases 100 times to regrow neuritis and dendrites because of the synergistic effect. Uridine increases the release of dopamine in brains. Phosphatidylcholine is the real dietary source of cytidine, a building block of the cell membrane component and signaling agent necessary for memory. PC declines with age and a major contributor of memory loss.
ALA, ALC (acetyl-l-carnitine) & carnosine help disorders of cognitive decline and to reduce cardiovascular disease when used together.