By camborw on January 4, 2009
Minerals, like vitamins, are co-factors that activate enzymes. Thus they have tremendous influence in energy levels, how clear thought processes are, and the ability to deal with stress, to name a few. Of course, there are many others. more
Posted in Anti-Aging Therapy, Chelation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Detoxification, Diabetes, EDTA, health information, Nutritional Therapies | Tagged Detoxification, EDTA chelation, enzymes, heavy metal burden, nutrition
By camborw on December 17, 2008
In the toxic environment we live it, it is hard to imagine one being able to escape the potential dangers that threaten us in our air, water and food. Some believe, as I do, that the health of this nation, evidenced by the escalation of heart disease and chronic acquired diseases, is in direct relationship [...] more
Posted in Anti-Aging Therapy, Antioxidants, Chelation, Chronic & Acquired Diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Detoxification, DMPS, DMSA, EDTA, Neurotoxicity, Nutritional Therapies, Pesticides | Tagged Chelation therapy, holistic medicine, integrative medicine, LDA, natural medicine, Portland Oregon