
Insurance – Medical Necessity – Part 1

Center for Environmental Medicine is a medical practice providing health care to families and individuals from a holistic approach; applying therapies studied from allopathic (conventional or contemporary medicine whose practitioners prefer to claim “The Standard of Care”), alternative, integrative, complementary and functional medicine or CAM.  These services in the health insurance industry may sometimes fall [...] more

Parkinson's Disease Part 1

About two years ago, a new patient arrived at the office for an appointment.  She had just been released from the hospital where she had a psychiatric workup for extreme anxiety and depression.  Ten days later she emerged with the diagnosis of bipolar disorder and was on at least ten medications.  Her personality seemed flat which [...] more

DMPS Detoxification for Heavy Metal Burden

The major focus of detoxification for most people involves the liver and digestive system but astute patients look further to what is known as metabolic detoxification and chelation to reduce toxins in the organs, soft tissue, nerve and muscle tissue.  One such chelator is DMPS.  What is DMPS?  It is a chelator named Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid [...] more
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