This work was done in my clinic initially by MDs and then NDs when the Oregon Medical Board (OMB) decided to take action against alternative doctors. There is mixed opinion on the board in regards to chelation so their actions seem prejudice and punitive in their efforts to bring alternative doctors “under control”. I am trained in chelation and feel it is a part of the healing picture for especially environmentally ill patients. It worked wonders for me so, naturally, I disagree with the OMB. The clinic is now closed but I wrote and provided this brochure to patients as part of patient education.
While chatting with other patients in our I.V. room, you will discover that people chelate for different reasons, although the goal is always the same — to attain and sustain better health. You may want to attain a better understanding of the many benefits you may derive from these treatments, whether your goal is to increase circulation, remove heavy metal toxins, or improve environmental illness.
We recommended the following as informational resources:
- The Heart Disease Breakthrough, Thomas Yannios, MD
- The Scientific Basis of Chelation Therapy, Bruce Halstead, MD
- Forty Something Forever, Harold & Arline Brecher
- Reversing Heart Disease, Julian Whitaker, MD
- By Passing Bypass Surgery II, Elmer Cranton, MD, Gary Gordon, MD
One of the great benefits of chelation is that it helps to control free radical activity. While oxygen is essential to support life, if not properly controlled, it can damage the body. Free radicals, or oxygen radicals, are defined as unstable reactive molecules with a free electron. They are naturally generated by the metabolism of oxygen. Contributors are unsaturated fats, certain reactive chemicals that may be inhaled or consumed in food or water, microbes, cigarette smoke, radiation, drugs, body enzyme activity, and others. Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury also contribute to oxidative stress. Heavy metal toxins accumulate over time and often displace nutrient cofactors from their proper enzyme systems and inhibit natural enzymes. This results in metabolic processes that are uncoupled and shut down -including sulfur and selenium antioxidant enzyme systems.
Free radicals unmanaged become extremely destructive, attacking cells, disrupting cell membranes, causing mutagenic damage, damaging enzyme proteins, and interfering with active and passive transport across cells membranes. As a result of the dysfunction of active-passive transport of cells, nutrition is not sustained. Without proper nutrients, including anti-oxidants, one becomes more toxic and ill which may result in accelerated aging, abnormal functioning, and many scientist believe free radicals can cause errors in DNA resulting in malignant cells. Chelation removes these toxins and restores enzyme function to normal.
It is interesting to note that accelerated free radical activity is present in most disease processes including premature aging, arteriosclerosis, heavy metal toxicity and environmental illness.
The father of modern biochemistry was the French-Swiss chemist, Alfred Werner, who in 1893 developed the theory of coordination compounds, today referred to as chelates. For this turning point in reclassifying inorganic chemical compounds, Werner received the Nobel prize in 1913. He went on to create concepts accounting for the process by which metals bind to organic molecules – the basis for chelation chemistry.
The first applications of Werner’s monumental discovery were in the field of industrial production. Starting in the 1920′s, many new materials, such as paints, were introduced, and in their manufacturing the elimination of heavy metal contamination was crucial. Citric acid was found to be helpful, but in the mid-1930′s Germany was motivated to develop its own chelating material and not be dependent on importing citric acid. The synthetic substance they invented was EDTA (ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetate). While creating EDTA for their own use, the Germans manufactured so much and the product gained such a reputation that they began selling it on the global market for industrial use.
Medical applications were not yet being considered for EDTA, but with war approaching military workers were afraid of poison gas being used, and they searched for antidotes. England especially had experienced poison gas in World War I, and at Oxford University researchers invented their own chelating substance to diminish the effects of exposure to poison gas. Fortunately, it didn’t have to be used.
After World Was II the new threat was atomic warfare, and our country began producing and stockpiling large quantities of EDTA, which was recognized as more effective than the British chelation material. Fortunately this application of chelation also was not needed.
While this manufacturing of EDTA for protection against radioactive fallout was going on, no one paid attention to the first medical application in real life that had been carried out in l947 by Dr. Charles Geschickter at the Georgetown University Medical Center. A patient undergoing chemotherapy had accumulated toxic nickel complexes in her system. In trying to save her, Dr. Geschickter thought of EDTA as the only thing that could work, and he successfully used it. This did not, however, lead to widespread use.
In the l950′s EDTA was tried with equal success in curing people with lead poisoning who were working in a battery plant, and the U.S. Navy used it on people who had acquired lead poisoning in repainting old ships. In both of these applications, not only did EDTA eliminate the poisoning, but the patients were relieved of atherosclerosis, chest pains, arthritis, memory loss, inability to concentrate, etc. Hearing of these cures, heart specialists at Wayne State University used EDTA on a group of patients that were believed to have incurable conditions — even the most seriously ill of the group were restored to near normalcy. From the 1950′s on, many doctors continued, with confidence based on their experience, to utilize chelation therapy in a wide variety of medical applications with great success.
Published articles regarding successful treatment of atherosclerosis with EDTA began appearing in medical journals in 1955, and many more since then. In 1973, the American Academy of Medical Preventics was formed to educate physicians and promote the utilization of EDTA chelation therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. This organization was renamed the American Academy of the Advancement of Medicine in l986. In l983, the formation of the American Board of Chelation Therapy was formed to set parameters for the education and testing of physicians for competence in the administration of EDTA chelation.
Chelation, while absolutely legal, is limited in advertising claims for treatment of lead poisoning, hypercalcemia, and ventricular fibrillation secondary to digitalis toxicity. Claims for conditions other than these have not been approved by the FDA. However, in 1978, Dr. Ray Evers won a precedent case regarding a physician’s legal use of a drug approved by the FDA for a specific condition “may be used for another condition for which it has not been approved”.
Many non-alternative doctors have since enjoyed and employed the benefits of this ruling in the distribution of other prescriptive drugs. The American Medical Association, while not yet endorsing chelation therapy for atherosclerosis, does approve its use in the treatment of lead and other heavy metal poisoning. It is most unfortunate that the EDTA patent expired in 1969, resulting in the loss of interest in research by major drug companies.
EDTA is a chelation agent. In chemistry, it makes a heterocyclic ring structure. The ions are held by the chemical bonds from each of the participating rings. Drawn out, it looks like a claw is holding the metallic ion. The word chelation comes from the Greek word “chele” which refers to the claw of a crab or lobster.
During a chelation treatment, the free, electrically-charged ionic forms of minerals are removed first, chromium having the highest selection. Serum calcium level is reduced during chelation and the parathyroid attempts to maintain a stable level of calcium in the blood. Calcium is withdrawn from the circulation of the joints, skin, and vessel walls. Stimulation of cells involved in bone metabolism is accomplished by pulsing bursts of parathyroid hormone, new bone continues to build through a rebound effect achieving new levels up to three months after cessation of EDTA treatment. Improvement in circulation is the result of blood flow being restored by increasing peripheral circulation. Some believe the removal of calcium plays a role in the removal of plaque and restoration of arterial flexibility. Most of the beneficial effects of EDTA are seen in its indirect modulating effects on free radical proliferation. For more information, read The Scientific Basis of Chelation Therapy, by Bruce Halstead, M.D..
Simply stated, EDTA has an affinity for transition metals (iron and copper) and related toxic metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, and others) which are potent catalysts of excessive free radical reactions. Free radical pathology is believed to be the underlying process that triggers development of most age related diseases like cancer, senility, arthritis and atherosclerosis – most often by promoting inflammation. Accumulation of heavy metal entities is most often referred to as heavy metal burden. Evaluation includes the use of challenge tests which are controversial as it pulls metals from deep tissues in order to be excreted. Conventional medicine clearly defines toxicity as acute or chronic. Acute toxicity is defined only by blood tests. Chronic may use hair and urine in determining exposure. Heavy metal burden is a chronic exposure to heavy metal and testing utilizes a challenge test, described below, which is controversial.
Patients who use chelation are those who have heart disease or a family history of heart disease. Fully half of the bypass operations performed in the United States are unnecessary. A decade of scientific study has shown that except in certain well-defined situations, bypass surgery does not save lives or even prevent heart attacks: Among patients who suffer from coronary-artery disease, those who are treated without surgery enjoy the same survival rates as those who undergo open-heart surgery. MD Magazine, Feb. l995.
Diabetics and macular degeneration patients use chelation to increase peripheral circulation. Chelation is also frequently used and found beneficial in the treatment of osteoarthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fribromyalgia, organic poisoning, and heavy metal reduction. In so doing, a detoxification takes place and induces and encourages an anti-aging effect.
One of the greatest attractions of chelation therapy is that it is very safe when used within the proper guidelines. There are very few medical procedures that can report as safe a record as can chelation. Every year, in contrast, prescribed drugs, hospital accidents and mistakes result in many deaths. At our Center, the only treatments we offer are those that have a history of being safe. By now, modern medicine has the benefit of a long history of chelation in numerous application, and those who specialize in it are sure of what it can do and the very best ways of using it.
In early experiments, EDTA was often used in doses up to 10 times the amount now recommended. This resulted in serious adverse effects including renal failure. With the use of laboratory testing, including kidney function tests, and by following recommended protocols, a physician can chelate safely.
One form of EDTA Chelation that is most recognized is the Sodium EDTA which is administered in I.V. form and each session takes from three to four hours at the clinic. Safety requires that it take this long because the salt used to activated the EDTA is magnesium. The magnesium, if infused too quickly in some individuals, can drop the level of serum calcium too quickly, causing an unsafe condition. We prefer to use the Calcium EDTA.
Another form of chelation is Calcium EDTA which is administered usually in three to five minutes. The same dosage is used as is in the Sodium EDTA, only the salt used is calcium. We use Calcium EDTA when we are trying to remove heavy metal burden that has accumulated in the body. The longer, or slower IV administration method (Sodium EDTA) provides enhanced benefits for our patients where we are dealing with various aspects of metastatic and pathologic calcium accumulation.
Oral EDTA is recommended concurrently with the parenteral (IV)chelation. Oral chelation of EDTA is only 5-18% absorbed so the remainder can be in the intestine where it can chelate any toxic metals presented through the bile. This oral EDTA can trap and hold these toxins largely eliminating the enterohepatic re-uptake. It should be understood that no single chelator adequately binds all the toxic metals. Thus, patients need to utilize other oxidative therapeutics as well. And it is important not to plan to stop the oral chelation or the …..IV pushes even after all symptoms go away. Chelation should be periodically maintained throughout life because of the continued assault from our polluted environment.
Side effects may occur including vein irritation, mild pain, headache, fatigue, hypoglycemia, or other detoxification symptoms, although many patients have no problems at all. Fortunately, these and other side effects can be controlled.
You will need to see the doctor to get started on your chelation program. The necessary laboratory tests vary from patient to patient, but there are a few tests everyone will need. These tests include:
- Chem Screen (plus magnesium for some individuals)
- Creatinine clearance may be required, especially renal patients
- RBC strongly suggested or Hair Analysis
- *We require informed consent to receive EDTA or DMPS chelation.
Other tests may include a pre- and post-provocative challenge for heavy metal toxins. An EDTA challenge is an actual treatment with urine collection for six hours that is sent to a non-standardized laboratory for evaluation which we believe is beneficial for evaluating heavy metal burden. This lab test is considered controversial and invalid by some. The results are not quantitative nor definitive. While serum tests may be ordered to evaluate acute metal toxicity, few will accomplish a positive test. Ranges from provoked tests are based on a non-provoked range that may differ from more conventional labs. You should discuss this further with the doctor in your case. Your decision to chelate should be beyond the results of this test. For some, general detoxification is their goal. Some test will be periodically repeated, usually every tenth chelation. You can help by completing all medical history forms and supplying a current list of medications you are taking. Also, it is helpful for you to send for any pertinent medical records.
The nature of chelation therapy results in the removal of important micro and macro nutrients necessary in protecting the body’s antioxidant defenses. These will need to be replaced. Nutritional evaluation is required to make sure replacement needs are being met. Re-evaluation of nutritional status occurs every tenth chelation. Depending on a patient’s nutrient deficit and length of time between chelation treatments, the addition of vitamin/mineral I.V.’s may be necessary. Following the guidelines of the American College of Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), estimates are at least 500,000 patients have received over 10,000,000 treatments without a single fatality attributed to EDTA when used properly. This cannot be said about surgical procedures or even taking aspirin.
Chelation for vascular problems vary from 20 to 30 EDTA treatments and some people as many as 50. Chelation for heavy metals is monitored and re-evaluated after 10 chelation treatment intervals. While treatment may require up to 30 treatments or more, each treatment is beneficial unto itself. Always, it is much less expensive to practice prevention!!!
Each patient’s program can be individually tailored to meet a variety of needs. Our team includes a Patient Coordinator who is available to help you explore your options.
All patients should eat a substantial meal before each treatment composed of complex carbohydrates — such as grains, raw vegetables, fruit and protein – such as non-processed meat, nuts, and allowable fats.
To get the most benefit from your therapy, you should limit stress, engage in regular aerobic exercise or walk three or four times a week. Drinking large quantities of fluid, preferable 6-8 glasses minimum of filtered water daily is recommended. This volume may include natural juices and herb tea.
On the day of chelation, you should not consume any dairy products, calcium supplements, alcohol, high fat or fried foods, sugar products, soda pop, coffee or black tea. Except for calcium, take your recommended nutritional supplements before, during, and after treatment. Do not restart calcium until 24 hours after a chelation treatment unless instructed by the doctor. Do not change your supplement program without communication with a medical team member. Take only those medications that have been evaluated by the doctor. Decaffeinated products may be used if approved by the doctor. Eliminating the use of all tobacco products, as demonstrated by clinical experience, improves results. Smoking increases free radical pathology.
For years the use and safety of mercury in dental amalgam “fillings” has been at the forefront of discussions related to modern-day dentistry. The American Dental Association (ADA) defends mercury’s safety record, all the while permitting in its publications only research that defends this position. It contends that mercury is safe because it has been used in dentistry for over 150 years. However, there are many conscientious dentists who have studied this issue and do not agree. Deciding that such substances may be or are definitely harmful to their patients, staff and themselves, they choose not to place or restore mercury fillings. By offering amalgam-free offices they provide a more healthful environment. They use products that have the appearance and strength of natural teeth, some stronger than others. The Scandinavian countries, as well as Germany, Austria, and Japan, among others, have banned or restricted the use of dental amalgam.
It is important to realize that sometimes it is politics within the scientific and medical communities that determines what information is provided to the consumer. The World Health Organization states that exposure to mercury from dental amalgam is greater than from all other sources of environmental exposures, while the ADA states that mercury is harmful only when vaporized. However, research shows that mercury vaporizes from fillings through the normal process of chewing food, drinking hot beverages, brushing teeth, and polishing teeth during a routine dental visit. Also, constantly changing conditions in the mouth cause corrosion of dental materials.
There are many ongoing arguments about the use of mercury in dentistry. Some points, however, cannot be argued. For example, transfer of mercury from dental fillings to body tissue is proven and the amount of mercury found in body tissues is proportionate to the number of fillings present. Also, electric, galvanic currents are always present in amalgam fillings due to the mixture of several dissimilar metals. Of concern to expectant mothers, in animal studies, mercury from amalgam fillings has been shown to accumulate in fetal tissues and maternal milk. In the State of California, dentists must post a warning that placement of mercury containing fillings during pregnancy may cause spontaneous abortion. It may well be that public demand will be the only economical way for amalgam fillings to become obsolete.
Pure metals are chemical elements that cannot be broken down into other elements. Of over 100 known chemical elements about 80 are identified as metals. Some metals, such as chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc, have important uses in body metabolism. Others, including mercury, cadmium, and lead are known to be highly poisonous to humans. No known metabolic mechanisms are dependent on any of these metals, even in the minutest amounts. Mercury, a silvery-white poisonous element, is liquid at room temperature, and is the second most toxic metal to man after cadmium. It is relatively stable in dry air, but when vaporized and inhaled mercury is the only cumulative highly toxic vaporizing poison.
Mercury has long been known as an environmental toxin. The phrase, “mad as a hatter,” refers to the 19th century occupational disease of mercury poisoning that resulted from prolonged contact with the metal in the manufacturing of felt hats. More recently, mercury poisoning came to public attention in 1969 when some children in New Mexico were made sick by mercury toxicity after eating pork. The animals had been fed mercury-treated seed. In 1970 tuna and other large fish at the top of the food chain were found to contain significant levels of the metal. One research project demonstrated that mercury by ingestion of canned tuna could be directly correlated to levels accumulated in the hair within a two-week margin. (See below: Storage Of Mercury In The Human Body.
Mercury is used in thermometers, barometers, vapor lamps, some types of switches and batteries. Mercury has also been used in the preparation of some chemical pesticides although many of them have been removed from the market. Some skin medications and eye preparations contain mercury. In the past, it was also used in paint. Mercury is most commonly used, however, in dental amalgam. Derivatives are also found in vaccines.
When placed, silver amalgam fillings typically contain 50% mercury, 35% silver, 13% tin, 2% copper, and traces of zinc. Mercury fillings are weak and cannot be properly placed using a thin layer. In 1908 G.V. Black developed the procedure still in use today in which the dentist must drill deeply into the softer dentin area of the tooth, undercutting into the healthy tooth where there is no disease. As the result of this kind of filling, the tooth is secure but weakened by 75%. Because mercury expands once fillings are placed, they eventually fracture. The broken tooth may then require a root canal, crown, or extraction.
Technical advancement in composite material has resulted in superior products that are far less damaging to the healthy part of the tooth. One new system, called indirect composites, combines the best of the composite with the strength of the natural tooth. Only minimal natural tooth area removal is needed in the majority of initial composite fillings. The teeth are strengthened by the filling, rather than weakened.
Other restorative materials available such as gold or porcelain may provide a stronger, better fitting and longer lasting material than composite. Many dentists prefer using gold strengthened by alloys. While the cost is greater than all other materials, it provides a strong surface that does not break down easily. Clinical observations indicate, however, that if a person has a tendency towards depression gold fillings may increase the condition. Some Biological Dentist agree and do not promote gold in their business.
Mercury stores in soft tissues, including nerve clusters, called nerve ganglia. The nerve ganglia line the entire spinal column and are found throughout the head and intestinal track. The function of glands and organs are dependent upon these nerve clusters working correctly. Also, the blood stream carries mercury to such organs as the kidney, adrenal glands, pancreas, and the main target organ: the brain. Because mercury is a poison, it can suppress the immune system. It may also affect the respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, genitourinary systems, and the skin. When hair analysis show mercury storage, it represents a chronic exposure to mercury. In some patients mercury toxicity may lead to mental and emotional disorders. Research has been done which indicates a possible link between mercury and Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum is believed to have some association to Alzheimer’s disease.
Research suggests that mercury reduces sperm counts in men and creates hormone imbalances in females; for example, it is known to cause disturbances in the regulation of progesterone.
Mercury toxicity and hypersensitivity symptoms include central nervous system disorders, head, neck, and oral cavity disorders, as well as gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, immunological, hormonal and systemic dysfunction. Depression, fatigue, insomnia, ringing in the ears, nervous disorders, timidity, neurological effects, memory loss, learning disabilities, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, anger, nausea, and tremors of eyelids, extra-ocular muscles, fingers, arms, and legs are common complaints of patients who are diagnosed with mercury toxicity. When mercury levels are reduced sleep patterns improve and depression subsides as well as other related symptoms.
- DMSA- Meso-2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid
- DMPS – Dimercaptopropanesulfonic Acid
Some tests for the initial diagnosis of mercury-burden are needed and includes a DMPS challenge. For children and some adults, a DMSA challenge may be used. Some patients want a hair anaylsis. Challenge tests are not quantitative nor definitive and may include a pre- and post-provocative challenge for heavy metal toxins. A DMPS challenge is an actual treatment with urine collection for six hours that is sent to a non-standardized laboratory for evaluation which we believe is beneficial for evaluating heavy metal burden. This lab test results are not quantitative nor definitive. While serum tests may be ordered to evaluate acute metal toxicity, few will accomplish a positive test. Ranges from provoked tests are based on a non-provoked range that may differ from more conventional labs. You should discuss this further with the doctor in your case. Your decision to chelate should be beyond the results of this test. Some test will be periodically repeated, usually every tenth chelation. You can help by completing all medical history forms and supplying a current list of medications you are taking. Also, it is helpful for you to send for any pertinent medical records.
Appropriate ways to test for mercury have long been debated. A turning point was reached when in the Archives of Environmental Health, (May/June 1980), with a study of the interrelationships of blood and hair mercury concentrations was published. The ingestion of mercury can be predictably reflected in a hair analysis. Doctors’ Phelps and Clarkson demonstrated that “longitudinal analysis of hair can provide a simple and accurate method of monitoring continuing exposure and an estimation of peak blood levels months to years after exposure.” Likewise, Doctors’ Vance, Ehmann, and Markesbery from the University of Kentucky, presented the results of a study for trace element imbalances in hair and nails of Alzheimer’s disease patients in NeuroToxicology in 1988, thereby justifying the use of hair analysis as a screening tool.
To approximate the body burden level of mercury, the DMPS challenge was developed. First, the bladder must be emptied, as DMPS starts pulling mercury within seconds after being introduced. After administering 250mg of DMPS by IV, we use a non-standardized test of a 6-hour collection of urine. Any additional time simply dilutes the results. Collection begins immediately. Research shows that while this test can provide useful information, there are cases when results do not reflect body burden, only how much mercury the body is actually releasing at the time. It is hypothesized that specific enzymes are not activated or that sulfur amino acids that would assist in the detoxification process are at exhausted levels. When a test does not produce an expected outcome, it may provide guiding information that expands the overall picture of the patient’s health to the doctor including deficient nutritional factors.
For children, DMSA is an approved drug for removing lead and is clinically accepted as an effective treatment for mercury in children and adults. A calculated amount of DMSA is given to the patient and a 6-hour urine collection is obtained. Some adults who find DMPS too harsh will use this method of testing. While DMPS excretes almost entirely in the urine, DMSA excretes only 20% in the urine and 80% in the stool.
While other tests may be needed during the detoxification process to determine mercury toxicity, usually only a hair analysis and a DMSA or DMPS challenge, and recent blood chemistry are required initially.
Because the process chosen to remove amalgam fillings is important, our clinc can provide a list of dentists who are informed regarding the health hazards of silver amalgam fillings and who have been trained in procedures for the safe removal of mercury. Some patients prefer to use their own dentist. In all cases the following procedures are recommended to minimize exposure to vaporized mercury. Use of a rubber dam is important as this reduces the amount of mercury swallowed during drilling procedures. High-powered suction reduces exposure from mercury vapors. Make sure the dentist you select has a well-ventilated office. It is always best if your dentist and medical doctor work together to ensure maximum safe detoxification and reduced stress for the patient. Concurrently, chelation should be done following each dental amalgam restoration procedure to insure adequate or maximum elimination of the mercury
The patient’s breathing zone must be protected by following these simple steps:
- The use of a rubber dam must be used to prevent swallowing and inhalation whenever possible.
- Ideally, an independent air source supplying oxygen through a nose piece should be used.
- Damp gauze for eyes or protective glasses should be worn.
Some doctors object to root canals beyond the use of mercury in the procedures. Mercury is commonly used in the restoration of teeth with root canals. The primary filling material for teeth with root canals is the substance called gutta percha, a naturally occurring latex with additives that make the material opaque. Today, even with the use of non-mercurial substance, root canal work may still have far-reaching effects on the body beyond the mouth. While the patient may remain symptom-free for years, a residual low-grade infection may be present. In the 1920′s, Dr. Weston-Price, then head of the scientific research for the American Dental Association (A.D.A.), did a research project to determine if root-filled teeth were sterile. He discovered that the tiny network of tubules that supply blood and nourishment to the vessels and nerves when the tooth is alive, after a root canal remain sterile for a period of about two hours. Containment of a low-grade infection would be dependent upon a healthy immune system. All too frequently this containment fails.
Before deciding on a root canal, have a careful discussion with your doctor and your dentist to determine if this is an appropriate choice for you. Consideration of long-term health effects must be taken into account as wel1 as expense. If a person has a compromised immune system, a root canal may not be the right choice. Sometimes a second opinion may be in order. The only other option is to have the tooth removed.
Placement of posterior composite material requires more steps and calls for 50 to 90 percent more time than silver/mercury fillings. Yet the cost reflects only a 25 to 30 percent increase over that of silver/mercury fillings.
More progressive insurance companies recognized the need for increased benefits and considers the reimbursement for these newer restorative materials. For those carriers that do not, benefits may be paid for the traditional silver/mercury fillings only, leaving the patient with the responsibility of the balance.
The chelator of first choice is DMPS or Dimavol. The chemical structure is Sodium 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid, a water-soluable chelating agent which can be given by IV, injection or in special cases transdermal or orally. First developed in China, it has been used in the Soviet Union and Russia since the 1960′s, in Germany since 1978, and is presently used in the Scandinavian countries. In the United States, DMPS is legal to use but it has been classified as an “orphan drug.” This means that while funding to gain FDA approval for its efficiency in the removal of mercury is not available, sufficient clinical studies have been conducted to assure doctors of DMPS’s safety as in Europe. When a substance has been classified as an orphan drug, pharmaceutical companies no longer can patent the product. If they cannot patent the product, then they would not be able to make enough money to cover the cost of the needed research. For this reason it is not likely that DMPS will be approved any time soon. Doctors prescribe DMSA for adults at the end of their DMPS therapy because of it’s deep and penetrating effects to the nerve ganglia and ability to cross the blood brain barrier. DMPS, like EDTA (another chelator for metals) removes a wide group of nutrients as well as metals requiring replacement with nutritional supplements or nutrient IVs. DMSA removes vitamin B-6 and zinc primarily, but not tolerated well by patients who have compromised enzyme systems. Some people do better with one chelator over another so you and your doctor must decide together.
Experienced clinicians notice that patients who are mercury toxic frequently are found to have chronic yeast infections. A German school of thought is that the body allows such high levels of candidia or yeast to proliferate in the system because it is trying to chelate these dangerous toxins. While there is no direct evidence to demonstrate this, we do know that the body needs a strong immune system to be able to keep the gastrointestinal yeast in balance. For example, one group of immune-compromised patients who suffer with all types of yeast infections are those who have AIDS. When a patient who presents with even a moderate level of mercury that is reduced, controlling the yeast becomes less of an issue.
A healthy immune system is important to the mercury-toxic patient. Lifestyle changes should include avoiding coffee, sugar, soft drinks, white flour, processed foods, fried foods, red meat, milk, yeast, and some kinds of fish.
The recommended diet should include high sulfur foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, soy products such as tofu and soy milk, free range eggs, organic lean game, butter, essential fatty acids, grains, and an acid-alkaline diet in general. Some patients may tolerate an occasional wild caught fish.
SUPPLEMENT requirements vary from patient to patient. Important nutrients are alpha lipolic acid, glutathione, vitamin Bs and C, selenium, antioxidants such as quercitin, digestive enzymes, garlic, and chlorella. It is not uncommon to see low levels of pancreatic enzymes, potassium, and other minerals in mercury toxic patients. Patients may be required to meet with the nutritionist.
CAVITATION SITES: a potential problem area.
Some patients diagnosed with atypical facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia) present a chronic low-grade non-puss osteomyelitis often referred to as cavitations or Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis (NICO). It is referred to as invisible osteomyelitis, but it is more superficially similar to osteomyelitis. Some feel it more closely resembles ischemic osteonecrosis typically seen in the head of the femur.
Cavitation and ischemic osteonecrosis similarities are such that it lends credence to the theory that cavitations are the result of poor vascular circulation of the jaw compounded by low grade infection. The typical patient is 40-60 year old woman and the wisdom teeth sites account for the majority of molar area involvement. Typical cases occur years after an extraction or infection in the area but can also occur after an endodonic procedure that continues to be painful and re-occurring. Sinusitis can cause destruction of the sides and floor of the maxillary sinus. Pain related to cavitation sites is not limited to the face. For example, lower back wisdom teeth sites can cause referred pain to all radial joints such as arms, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
Some doctors believe that cavitations may somehow inhibit the body from detoxifying mercury efficiently, even with chelators. There needs to be further research in this area as to whether this is really true. Up to thirty percent of neuralgia-affected patients research tends to indicate NICO has a strong tendency to recur or develop at additional sites requiring additional surgeries. There is no age selection described in the research to indicate that this is true for all ages or whether this applies to those who do not have neuralgia related complaints.
Diet and lifestyle change is imperative for lasting benefits of chelation therapy, so chelation is only part of the curative process. When choosing your foods, be sure to avoid additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings, colorings, and minimize exposure to processed foods of any kinds. Of course, it is always best to use organic foods whenever possible. For more details, ask for our recommended diets.