Plastics-Protecting Your Children Against Allergy

The plastics industries insists that their products used in cooking and storage poses no risk to humans, yet a study by a Swedish and Danish team found a strong correlation between levels of phthalates and allergy symptoms in children.  Phthalates are the chemicals commonly used to soften plastic.

Research funded by the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, found higher levels of butyl benzyl phthalate in children suffering from a compared group of healthy ones.  They found a link between concentrations of butyl benzyl phthalate and the tendency to suffer from rhinitis (funny nose and eyes) and eczema.  Another phthalate was linked to asthma.

Source:  The Environmental Physician, Summer 2004

In Center for Environmental Medicine we commonly tests these levels in patients who show persistent symptoms of toxicity.  The test is a simple collection of urine after a diet restricted preparation for two days. Typically this test is not covered by insurance but by paying the fee directly to the laboratory, you can get a reduced price that is affordable. 

It takes 10 days for the test results and are then are reviewed with the doctor.  When levels are high, which is often, the following steps are taken.

1]  Restriction of exposure.  Absolutely no cooking in plastic containers, baggies, etc. 

2]  Nutritional supplements specific to the patient’s needs.

3]  Retesting.

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